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How to Find the Best AI Stocks to Buy: 6 Tips for Smart Investing

Updated: Jun 15

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is transforming industries and investor portfolios, with stocks like Nvidia (NVDA) skyrocketing over 700% since the start of 2023. While finding the best AI stocks to buy does require a bit of homework, we’ve outlined some tips to help you identify the most promising companies in the space.

Circuit board and processors

1. Follow the Industry

Following the latest industry news is a crucial step for finding AI stocks to buy.

Subscribe to Newsletters: Sign up to get the top AI news in your inbox from sources like TechCrunch, Bloomberg, and Wired.

Industry Reports: Read industry reports from sources like MIT Technology Review and Gartner to understand broader trends and identify emerging opportunities.

Conferences and Events: Follow key industry conferences and events. These platforms often showcase the latest innovations and strategic directions of leading companies.

Analyst Ratings and Forecasts: Monitor financial analyst opinions. Positive ratings and optimistic forecasts from reputable analysts are indicators of potential AI stocks to buy.

Google Alerts: Use Google Alerts to stay up to date on specific companies or topics you're interested in.

Robot hand with floating ring of light

2. Find the Innovators

The AI industry thrives on innovation. Once we know which companies are making news, we can dive deeper into their potential. Finding the best AI stocks to buy means focusing on companies pioneering new technologies or significantly improving existing ones.

Research and Development (R&D) Investment: Companies investing heavily in R&D are often at the forefront of breakthroughs. Look for firms allocating significant portions of their budget to developing new AI technologies.

Patent Filings and Intellectual Property: Be aware of patent filings and IP developments. Companies with robust portfolios of AI-related patents are likely innovative leaders.

Product Launches and Advancements: Companies launching cutting-edge AI products or making significant advancements in AI applications are worth watching.

• Visit Company Websites:  Company blogs and investor relations sections can also provide key info on new innovations and strategic visions.

Colorful circuit board

3. Use a Stock Screener & Analyze Financial Health

The sheer number of potential AI stocks to buy can seem overwhelming. Narrow your list of investment targets with a stock screener from your broker or a website like Strong financial health is a cornerstone of sustainable growth. Filtering by key financial and performance metrics can help you identify long-term winners.

Revenue Growth: Look for companies with consistent and robust revenue growth, indicating strong market demand for their products and services.

Profit Margins: High profit margins suggest efficient operations and scalability. Focus on companies with healthy gross, operating, and net profit margins.

Balance Sheet Strength: A strong balance sheet with minimal debt and ample cash reserves provides a buffer against market volatility and enables further investment in growth opportunities.

Stock screener at
Stock screeners like can help narrow your focus of which AI stocks to buy

4. Consider Market Position & Competitive Advantage

When deciding among similar AI stocks to buy, a sustainable competitive advantage can be a significant differentiator. Assessing a company’s market position and unique strengths can help identify potential leaders positioned for long-term success.

Market Share: Companies with a dominant or rapidly growing market share in their niche are likely to continue outperforming.

Moat: Look for companies with a strong competitive moat, such as proprietary technology, exclusive partnerships, or high customer loyalty.

Strategic Partnerships: Collaborations with other industry leaders or academic institutions can enhance a company’s innovation capabilities and market reach.

Google logo

5. Evaluate Leadership and Vision

The quality of a company’s leadership and strategic vision are critical determinants of success. Strong leaders can steer companies toward sustainable growth and innovation.

Leadership Background: Research the backgrounds of key executives. Leaders with a proven track record in AI are more likely to drive success.

Vision and Strategy: Assess the company’s long-term vision and strategic goals. Companies with clear, forward-thinking strategies are better positioned to capitalize on emerging opportunities.

Employee Feedback: Utilize sites like Glassdoor to gauge employee opinions about management. Positive feedback can indicate effective leadership, while recurring negative feedback may highlight potential issues.

Jensen Huang
Jensen Huang - CEO, Nvidia

6. Fill Your Watchlist with the Best AI Stocks to Buy

All your hard work in researching and screening will uncover lots of promising AI stocks to buy. Next, you’ll want to add them to your watchlist to find the companies with the most appealing entry points.

Regular Monitoring: Review your watchlist to stay updated on price movements and news related to the stocks you’re tracking.

Determine Entry Points: Based on your investment objectives, identify suitable entry points for each stock. Note the current price in relation to signficant long-term moving averages. Consider market conditions and recent company performance.

Set Alerts: Use alert features to notify you when a stock reaches your desired entry point or when there is significant news or change in price.

Re-evaluate Periodically: Periodically re-evaluate your watchlist to ensure it aligns with your strategy. Remove stocks that no longer meet your criteria and add new AI stocks to buy as needed.

Man looking at stock charts on phone and computer


Finding the next Nvidia requires research, a keen eye for innovation, and familiarity with the changing tech landscape. Follow these tips to discover the best AI stocks to buy and make informed investment decisions. Many investors also opt for subscription services to facilitate their research and identify promising stocks. Combining these insights with continuous learning and a diversified investment strategy can increase your chances of catching the next big winner.


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