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Find the
Best AI Stocks
in the Market

Join our exclusive membership today to discover AI investment opportunities to grow your portfolio.

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Sample Members Video

Insights on the best AI companies with the potential for disruptive growth and outsized returns delivered to your inbox.

Our founder, Josh Logan, is a professional portfolio manager and private investor focusing on Artificial Intelligence.


We rely on proven strategies and informed decisions to invest or trade in the best AI stocks available in today's market.

Get results-driven resources to help you grow your AI portfolio

Membership includes exclusive access to stock picks, long-term investment ideas, and analysis of the top-performing AI stocks.

Target graphic

Swing Trading Video

  • Monthly video featuring a short to medium-term AI stock trade idea

  • Technical analysis with buy and sell strategies and defined risk levels

Chart graphic

Portfolio Pick

  • One long-term AI investment idea each month 

  • In-depth video focusing on fundamental analysis

Winners podium graphic

Top Performers Report

  • Report on the top 5 best-performing AI stocks each month

  • Our monthly pick of the market mover with the most potential

Need proof?

See our winning track record and join today.

Upwork Inc. (UPWK)


Entry Price: $9.99

Exit Price: $15.33

Hold Time: 55 days

Stem Inc. (STEM)


Entry Price: $6.32

Exit Price: $13.25

Hold Time: 148 days

Marvell Technology Inc. (MRVL)


Entry Price: $50.77

Exit Price: $85.01

Hold Time: 93 days

Hut 8 Corp. (HUT)


Entry Price: $8.69

Exit Price: $13.16

Hold Time: 6 days

How do we do it?
Our stock universe.

Semiconductors and circuit board

We filter through more than 1,000 AI-related stocks each week to find favorable short-term and long-term opportunities. The companies we monitor include micro-cap to mega-cap stocks and represent a wide variety of industries around the world, each utilizing various forms of artificial intelligence.

Learn more about our process

Try Best AI Stocks for yourself

Picture of Josh Logan, founder of Best AI Stocks


Hi, I'm Josh Logan

I'm a professional investor and portfolio manager with over two decades of market experience.


I started this site as a place for investors to track the transformational revolution of Artificial Intelligence.


It's my role to seek out and share the best opportunities in this rapidly evolving space.

I'm committed to learning, adapting, and providing value for our members.

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